Social media is taking this world by storm. Sites like Twitter, YouTube, Linkin, and of course Facebook, have welcome people from all over the world to join in. Nowadays, people don’t have to leave their homes or run up their phone bill to communicate with someone. The only thing they have to do is lift a finger…well maybe a couple of fingers. Social communities are forming right here in Cyberspace. Due to the endless possibilities and the low limitations people can fellowship among each other about anyone or anything from anywhere. Now some of you may think you don’t need Facebook or Twitter to communicate with others. Some of you may believe in the value of face-to-face communication. I understand your point of view and I actually agree with it, but what about when it comes to business networking or business marketing? Believe or not, these social networking websites are a useful source. Nowadays, businesses all over the world have social networking pages from your neighbor up the street who is trying to start his own record company, to the CEO of Sony Records. You name them … they got one.
Business and individuals are starting to establish themselves through these social networking sites. Plus the sources are great tools for individuals who apply to Chris Anderson's "Long Tail" book. (Refer back to my first post for description of Long Tail)With the help of social networking, products that are not sold in stores and only offered online can gain more exposure.
Josh Woodward is an acoustic rock artist who built his fan base by social networking. You can read about him on MySpace, chat with him on Facebook, check out his videos on Youtube, or barrow his music for your own personal use on Creative Commons. Woodward is definitely a force to be reckon with in Cyberspace.
Also check out this link below. It's an article evaluating big name companies and their Facebook pages.
Social networking will continue to benefit businesses as long as society continues to "log on". This phenomenon isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Yet what we need to consider is the possible negatives. As technology advances we are becoming an impatient society. We want it fast and we want it now. People settle for the microwave version of communication, while the physical human contact slowly slips away. Let's face it, in this place called "Earth", we humans managed to create another dimension that allows us to sell, listen, express, and communicate without having to leave our personal space. Yeah, it's convenient and easy to do, but let us not forget the wonders of human contact; the feeling you get when you see someone you've missed, or the joy of holding hands, the sincerity of a kiss on the cheek. Next time you're around some one...give them a big hug....embrace the human contact. Go forth and prosper. TO INFINITY AND BEYOOOOOOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YouTube video: From Jefferson Gramham-USA today News "Talking Tech Web Video Show"
Josh Woodward Video:
Starbuck/ MC Esher photo:
Twouble with Twitter Cartoon: via "Social Media @Work & Play"