Monday, February 15, 2010

Assignment #3: Sharing is Caring :o)

Ok I think many will benefit from what I’m about to say. This past week I researched a non-profit organization called “Creative Commons. “ A group of people made up of a MIT computer science professor, a film documenter, Cyb and property law experts, a journalist, and a Japanese entrepreneur. This group of individuals formed a union to protect people’s creativity from being misused and abused. Their website allows people to legally share their creative projects with others without the strict laws and guidelines of copyrighting. So instead of “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved.” (Their quote, not mine. lol) Copyright laws restrict anyone from using another person work without permission, hence forth the phase “all rights reserved.” Their website offers a way for individuals to allow others to use their creations according to their guidelines, without having to ask for permission or being taken to court. After viewing their website I realized many known companies share their work with creative commons; Google, Nine Inch Nails, Wikipedia, even the Obama Administration. Wow!
Nowadays it’s so easy to violate copyright laws on the web. We see a photo or video we like and post it on our facebook, blog, class assignment, or video; never considering the copyright laws and we put ourselves at risk of being sued. To further understand Creative Commons check out their video:

Now at first I was a little cynical, I thought who would want to share their creation with other people. What if others abuse the original idea, or use it for evil, what if….
Then I remembered a couple of incidents I came across this past summer. I interned at a privately-owned marketing and public relations firm, I participated in many projects and did some on my own. Me and one other guy worked on a couple of videos together promoting our clients and their businesses, unfortunately our boss couldn't use any of the videos because we had music playing in the back ground of well-known artist, and due to copyright laws we couldn't expose it to the public. Only if we knew about Creative Commons prior to the situation, my work could’ve been on television or something. Once I consider that I realized how useful it could be. Besides I find it very thoughtful of others to share their work. We live in such a self-absorbed society, where people are not willing to do something for nothing. It’s nice to know there are people out here willing to help others express themselves without expecting something in return. Isn’t that what life is all about, helping one another? Call me crazy.

Once I was able to identify the situation as a positive contribution to a creative society I was all for it. Creative Common tries to create and maintain a cultural society within this crazy world. Sharing our ideas and allowing others to use them for their own personal expression is a great way to build a better and friendlier community. Let’s share our LOVE…go forth and prosper people. TO INFINITY AND BEYOOOOOND!!!!!!!!!!!!

Video provided by YouTube

T-shirt photo provided by Creative Commons/
By: Wesley Fryers Photostream

Holding Hands Statue photo provided by Creative Commons/ FlickrImage.comBy:hoyasmeg photostream

Monday, February 1, 2010

To Read or Not To Read...That is the Question.

Recently Google declared that they would no longer censor the search results for their China Corporation. Apparently Google and China had a contract together, agreeing to bowdlerize what the citizen of China read or view on the Internet. Sources say Google's decision was based off of some sever cyber attacks. Apparently Chinese Human Rights (most of them located in Silicon Valley, California) activist's google accounts were compromised, and these attacks originated from China. Google remained very careful with their words during interview about the attacks, but they were certain about their conclusion. The company is willing to work out something with China that would grantee user open access to the web without offending government policy….at this point it seems unlikely. In addition Google may have to close their office in China which would put 700 employees out of a job.

Due to the fact I come from a land that has fought for human right and achieved great things as a success, it is difficult to side with China’s government. The Internet symbolizes freedom, a path that leads to infinite paths of knowledge. When a group of individuals take it upon themselves to limit that knowledge, their mission is to sustain their power. Google’s choice is a difficult one, especially since China grosses estimated $300 million annual revenues for the search engine company. I commend the company on their tough decision and not allowing money to rule over one’s freedom to knowledge. The Internet can and will continue to play a large role in “netizens” everyday lives. Whether one resides off the coast of California, or in the far open land of Iran, the device gives us as a human race freedom to express, explore, and even execute. This can be very beneficial in a non-democratic society; human rights activist can research websites that contain non-violent strategies. Also individuals could obtain information about their own government that could be used as leverage in civil rights movements. Plus, websites could be launched to help citizens that suffer the same outcomes of non-democratic areas (this has probably taken place already).The Internet gives individuals the opportunity to unify, which could lead to trust, which could build strong movements that could stand up against their government.
With advance technology continuing to rise and the Internet playing a large role in everything, the government may appear to be losing its authority. That may not be as much of an issue for democratic countries like the U.S. but for non-democratic counties like China or Iran it might serve as a problem. Regardless whether there are rules and restrictions in these countries, someone is will find a way to get around the boundaries. I believe the governments will use all their power to sustain control and order in their country. However it is only a matter of time before their high pedestal position will be overthrown by those who followed them. This could come to past due to (once again)the advance devices that are being produce, such as camera cell phones, small hand–held digital cameras, Wi-Fi, etc. All these things could help those who want to challenge authority and expose their wrong doing.
In a perfect world....maybe one day society can embrace change, eliminate egos, and freely walk the path of knowledge, without others being threaten by it. Its time for us to pursue "perfect world" and go forth and prosper...TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!!!!