Growing up my parents encouraged me to read the newspaper. They believed it would expand my vocabulary and allow me to be more socially aware. Now with the emergence of the Internet, people no longer have to pay a $1.50 to read the current events, they can log online and read for free. I wonder if the young people today will gain the same social awareness and advance vocab that I gained form printed newspapers.
The argument we face today is as newspapers decline, Internet journalism increases; it that a good or bad thing?
This can be argued from both sides, with advance technology and digital convergence, Internet journalism seems practical. Today people don't have time to sit at the kitchen table every morning and read the newspaper. People are always on the move, they need it quick and convenient. One of the advantages that Internet journalism has is instant notification. When an event occurs it is quickly upload on the web. One does not have to wait the day after an occurrence before he/she is informed. The Internet supplies instant gratification to its readers. In addition, individuals have the opportunity to became journalist themselves without the hard labor of school or the stress of a bossy editor breathing down your neck. The Internet gives readers infinite sources that supply information on current events...and it's free. No subscription required.

With the easy access to facebook, twitter, self-building website, and of course...blogs, people are easily informed on issue that may or may not reach newspapers or television. People now have the tool (Internet) and ability to create their own news website, voicing their own opinion and allowing others to comment on the stories they chose to talk about. This is referred to as Citizen Journalism. And as i set here and criticize this new wave, I too have taken a dive. Besides this one, I have another blog. On my blog I highlight and discuss situations and events that interest me and i allow people to comment on their feelings as well. Overall, my purpose is to inform others of what I feel is important to ME in society. I am no different than a high paid journalist from New York Time, except I'm not highly paid and i don't work for a legitimate magazine. Yet I am responsible for articles I have researched and written and I have loyal followers/ readers who rely on me to inform them about news that interest them....just like a high paid journalist from New York time. Everything they do I can do to, just on a smaller scale, that has the potential to be a big scale. In addition, Internet journalism can relate to the Long tail effect and creative commons, because this is another way citizen can share information among other fellow citizens that the t.v and newspapers will not disclose. On my blog I cover artist, fashion, and art that is not discuss by mainstream media, and for that reason I have people who follow me because they are interested in non-mainstream media content.
On the contrary, the Internet is robbing readers of detailed information. Although newspaper articles have to go through a process before its published to the public, the public is guaranteed a more secure, accurate, and elaborate description of events. Following the news on the Internet runs the risk of misleading information. And with more people engaging in the reporter's aspect on the Internet, there is a less likely chance individuals would be penalized for the mishaps. With newspapers, journalist are held accountable for their articles, and for that reason, what they put out there for the public to read is taken very seriously.
As I said before, the Internet is becoming this increasingly used tool, and it seems as though journalism isn't going anywhere. With in the next ten years readers are going to be informed electronically. Paper itself will no longer be a useful source (maybe we'll save more trees). Although people will continue to be notified and informed on current events, the lack of quality will rise. As of now newspaper companies are shutting down and many Internet news companies are opening up. In some cities, right next door to each other. Check out this video for example.
I totally agree about the problems with credibility within these new internet forms of journalism. When reading these, you do really need to take into consideration that what you are reading could be more of the authors opinion than actually facts. But overall I enjoyed reading your blog, and you always have great videos. Good job : )
ReplyDeleteDear Mooney, I think that it is important for a child to learn to read print newspapers, magazines, and books, and I am glad that your parents' instilled that knowledge to you. Instant gratification or catch-and-grab journalism isn't always good for you or me because it doesn't helpus to see the real journalist's thoughts conveyed like in a print article because they must grab the viewer's attention immediately. In addition, sometimes it is better for society to wait to hear about news stories because there is a so-called thing from the past for journalists to do and that was check the facts and on the internet they do not do this anymore. So we are hearing news that isn't verified and can cause pandomonium, too. Suzanne